Friday, May 6, 2011

What is intelligence?

-What does the term "IQ" mean?

The term IQ means intelligence quotient, and comes from the German Intelligenz-Quotient.

-When, where and by whom was the concept of IQ developed?
Was developed in France by the French psychologist Alfred Binet in 1904 . Originally was designed to test school students and determine the child's mental age.

-What is the average IQ?
Between 90 - 110

-What is Mensa International?
In a non-profit high IQ organization. Its open for people who score on a 98th percentile on certain IQ test.

-Name at least two different IQ tests.
WISC-IV (children) WAIS-III (by far the most commonly used) Stanford-Binet

Friday, April 8, 2011

Drugs and Behavior: Article Reviews

Why Pot Smokers are Paranoid
 One of the worst side effects of marijuana is paranoia. This condition, also shared by patience suffering from schizophrenia, causes consumers to see patterns in events that aren't real, such as conspiracies.  In a research made with rats  where they were given a drug that enhanced cannabinoid-receptor activity,whern they received  a minor shock, it  was enough to cause them to freeze with fear when they were later exposed to the cage and its related scent. Without the marijuana-like drug, small shocks did not have the same effect. This report published in a famouse journal, suggests that an activity in the amygdala, the part of your brain in charge of emotions and fear, is reponsible for the marijuan induce to paranoia. Other finding suggests that when marijuana is induced in the pre frontal cortex, the paranoia can be partially control.  Both of the brain regions studied are related to schizophrenia, and that understanding their interconnections could lead to better treatments for the disorder. This article shows a dasrk side of marijuana, and positive research that may contribute with treatment to a difficult disease to understand sucha as schizophrenia.

Why legalizing Marijauna Makes Sense
 Through time different conditions such as economic crisis, and the right of the seniors to end their life in a digne way has inciated a debate of the ilegal condition of pot.  The most basic reason in favor of legalization is that prohibition simply doesn't work. This was proved by the days of alcohol prohibition in the United States, but apparently this  lesson was worthless since the US has been repeating the same mistakes with marijuana and other drugs continually over the following decades. Marijauna causes a lot of vioklence because all the money involved. The drud dealers ambition for money and power causes death and insecurity. Also the state and government may be benefited from it, and little new consumers will come just because it is legal.Money earned by drug smuggling is a great opportunity for criminals to purchase guns, hire soldiers, and support terrorism. Just as with cigarettes the governmet could carry our pacific campaigns and try to prevent teens from getting it, in fact is bettter to prevent kids to have contact with drug dealers.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Marijuana should be legalized

Marijuana is one of the most popular drugs despite the fact that it is ilegal.  The use of the drug has by no means decreased over the past few decades, and it is popular worldwide.  Marijuana, thus should be legal because legalizing the drug will decrease illegal drug smuggling, money made from the drug would go into the economy rather than the black market, and it probably wouldn’t change the population of users drastically because there is an abundance of the drug now whether it is legal or not. 

If marijuana were legal there would be less delinquent activity involved with the drug, for example, dealing and using.  Marijuana has less harmless effects that alcohol, yet alcohol is legal and continues to produce problems with drunk driving, domestic abuse, excessive use, illegal drinking with minors, ect.  Marijuana is a non-addictive and it is associated with little overdose incidences, car accidents, ect. In addition, Marijuana is sometimes used for medicinal purposes, and it has been proven that there are some health benefits to the drug, including among cancer patients. Of course the drug has negative effects, as do all drugs, but the effects of marijuana produce less harm to the body than any other drug we have studied, including alcohol.      
Although I am not advocating the use of Marijuana, I think if the drug were legal, it would produce far less illegal activity across the world and thus create a safer environment.  Also, if it were legal, the selling, buying, and using of the drug would be more controlled. Whether Marijuana is legal or not, drug users will continue using the drug despite the law, but if it were legal, pharmaceutical companies could advertise with precautions, just as tobacco companies do now with cigarettes.  Therefore knowledge would be increased about the harms of the drug as well.  I think it would be more beneficial to legalize it, so the activity involved with Marijuana would be managed.                    

Monday, March 7, 2011


More powerful and cheaper than a dosis of cocaine,  and as easy to produce as cooking brownies, Methamphetamine or most commonly known as "meth" or "crystal meth" is a mortal drug that each day is getting more popular inside the United Sates. Meth increases alertness, concentration, energy, and in high doses, can induce euphoria, and enhance self-esteem. It is really addictive and physically affects its consumer. After watching the video The Worlds most dangerous drug, I learned many things about this substance, that due to its popularity is getting each time more accessible, so is better to be informed of its consequences.

One of the most interesting things that lie around meth, is the fact that as many other inventions, it was created for  for warlike purposes. Japanese soldiers were provided with this drug for having a better performance in wwii. Since its creation, meth is presented in crystals. It is really easy to elaborate and very economic. During the last decades its consumption between teens has increased, being nowadays a big problem difficult to stop from proliferation.  I personally think that such a bad substance for humans should be banned in every place in the world due to its high addictivity and mortal consequences. I didnt know that there existed a drug that could not only damage your body internally and psychologically, but also drastically change your physical appearance.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Body Language

The following are five examples of common unconscious body movements and their meaning.

a)Playing with your hair, or accessories
 It often demonstrates distress and nervousness while flattering.

b)Leg crossing
It demonstrates resistance

c) Excessive smiling 
Indicates lack of seriousness and sometimes of confidence.

d)Folding arms
It suggests insecurity or being in a defensive attitude.

e) Folding your hands on your lap 
Hiding your hands under a conference table or desk, for example, signals untrustworthiness; a cue from ancient times, when men would reveal their palms to show they were unarmed.

 The following list put forward several body expressions that in other cultures different to the Hispanic have a different connotation.

a) Nodding the head
While we use it for expressing acceptance, in some parts of Greece, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and Turkey it means “No”.

b) Rocking the head back forth slowly
It means “yes I am listening in many Asian cultures”.

c) Eye contact
In some Asian and African cultures is rude and disrespectful.

d) Raising eye browns
Yes in Thailand and other Asian cultures

e) Pulling the ear
“you are in my heart” in Navajo islands

f) Nose tap
“be careful” in Italy
“it is confidential in England”

g) Pointing the nose
“It’s me” in Japan

h)The “come here” gesture
Could be seen as an insult in Asian countries
Can be interpreted as good bye in Italy

Pointing with the index is impolite is Asian cultures, instead they point with their hands.

j) Holding hands
In parts of Asia and the middle east men who are friends walk holding their hands.

The following examples suggest some differences in body language between men and women.

a) Lying
When men lie, their body language appears relaxed. Women, on the other hand, pretend to look busy when they lie.

b) Smilying
Men smile more frequently and the smile takes time to fade away. Women, too, smile frequently, but the smile lasts only for a while.

c)  Head position (positive situation)
In case of a positive atmosphere of the conversation, women tend to turn towards the speaker, while men turn their head towards the side.

d) Head position (negative situation)
If the situation is negative, a woman will not indulge in eye contact. Conversely, a man would look more steadily towards the interlocutor.

e) Eye contact
Both men and women look directly into the eyes of their interest while having a conversation. However, men may move their eyes indicating their nervousness, while women, many a times, shy off and turn aside their head.

f) Show of interest
 Men show their interest in women by sitting close to them or touching their shoulder or arms softly, while talking. Conversely, women touch the arms or shoulders of men softly only if they like the physical closeness of the person.
g) Expression of feelings
 Women are more likely to display progressive behavior, show emotions and let their feelings come through. Conversely, men generally display behaviors of power, dominance and assertiveness.

h) Facial gestures
In day to day living, men display facial gestures that are more relaxed and express less warmth, while women’s gestures are lighter and more flexible.

i)Tossing Hair
Since ages, long, flowing hair has been a sign of femininity, sexuality, and child bearing ability. As such, tossing or flicking hair is a common and favorite flirting gesture for women. Mine while normally men would not act this way.

k) Neck Rubbin
Undoubtedly, the neck is one of woman’s most sensitive zones. Soft smooth skin is what drives men crazy and the neck is the most socially acceptable area to display it. And touching it stimulates a gentle, soothing, and loving sensation, enough to make one mad. Men often use other body parts such as muscles.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Psychology of Fear: Mara Salvatrucha

Mara Salvatrucha, M-13, or MS, are different ways of naming the most dangerous criminal gang in latin america. MS was created in Los Angeles by Salvadoran immigrants  after the Central American civil wars of the 1980s. Originally, the gang's main purpose was to protect Salvadoran immigrants from other, more established gangs of the city, but through time they became the most powerful one in the zone. Many Mara Salvatrucha gang members from Los Angeles have been deported after being arrested. As a result of these deportations M-13 grew in Central American countries.

For identifying and communicating they use hand signs. One of the most commonly shown is the "devil's head" which forms an 'M' when presented upside down. Also MS mambers cover themselves in tattoos. Common markings include "MS", "Salvatrucha", the "Devil Horns"and other symbols. As well they show they taftnss through their initiation ritual, where each candidate must resist 13 seconds of repression without defending themselves. Mara Salvatrucha has become Central America’s greatest problem. In addition to violent acts committed by the gang against citizens and gang rivalries, also the gang had organize violent acts against the government. In 1997 the son of Honduras President Ricardo Maduro was kidnapped and murdered by MS-13 members Members also left a mutilated body with a note for the Honduras president that “more people will die, the next victims will be police and journalists.” Also in Guatemala n 2004 President Oscar Berger received a similar messages attached to the body of a mutilated man.

In an internal and external way MS instill fear. Inside the gang mistakes are a synonym of death. The severe punishment prevents people from betrayal, not obeying superiors, and from leaving the gang. Outside the MS, normal civilians also fear people involved with this criminal movement. Their harshness maintains people scared and unmorally they earn their respect. Their actions cause panic, and from them you learn to live trying not to have any type of contact and respecting them. If not you could lose your life. This gang is linked with fear because their inhumane ways of getting the attention of the government and in general from the country and their punishments inspire a sort of respect between people.