1. A person with paranoid-type scizophrenia usually has mistaken beliefs or delusions, that makes him suspect that one or more people are plotting against him or his loved ones. As a result they become socially isolated, have auditory hallucinations, and often feel tense, suspicious, guarded, and reserve.
2. A person with disorganized-type scizophrenia tends to have speech problems, he lacks of emotion and motivation, often experiences hallucinations and delusions, and shows silly behavior.
3. A person with catatonic-type schizophrenia should have the following symptoms: Stupor, excitement, posturing, negativism, rigidity, and wavy flexibility. These may cause in a person behavioral, health, and financial difficulties.
4. Positive symptoms of schizophrenia include things that a normal person can't experience and are proper characteristics of the illness. Some of them are delusions, illusions, hallucinations and having nebulous thinking.
5.Negative symptoms of schizophrenia are the ones that can occur in any healthy individual in response to certain emotional or physical setback, and are not directly linked with this illness but are more secondary effects. Some of them are depression, loss of apetite, lack of concentration in activities, and violent behavior.
6. The difference between an halucination and a delusion is that the first one is a false mental image produced by misinterpretation of things that actually exist while a delusion is a persistent false belief.
7. Some cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia are difficulties attending to and processing of information, understanding the environment, and in remembering simple tasks.
8.The symptom of avolition consist of a psychiatric distress characterized by a lack of motivation for doing anything. People with avolition have difficulty starting and completing tasks, and may be disinterested in what is happening around them.
9.The symptom of catatonia is basically having psychomotor disturbance, and interruption of body’s normal movement. Catatona often occur with major depression, bipolar disorder.
10. A delusion of grandeur is when a personal has the false belief that he or she has a special relationship with, a deity or a famous person, or has great importance, power, wealth, intellect, or ability.
11. A delusion of reference is when normal events, things, or behaviors of others have particular and unusual meaning.
12. A somatic delusion is when you believe something is wrong with you or your body when actually it is not.ith you or your body when actually it is not.