Marijuana is one of the most popular drugs despite the fact that it is ilegal. The use of the drug has by no means decreased over the past few decades, and it is popular worldwide. Marijuana, thus should be legal because legalizing the drug will decrease illegal drug smuggling, money made from the drug would go into the economy rather than the black market, and it probably wouldn’t change the population of users drastically because there is an abundance of the drug now whether it is legal or not.
If marijuana were legal there would be less delinquent activity involved with the drug, for example, dealing and using. Marijuana has less harmless effects that alcohol, yet alcohol is legal and continues to produce problems with drunk driving, domestic abuse, excessive use, illegal drinking with minors, ect. Marijuana is a non-addictive and it is associated with little overdose incidences, car accidents, ect. In addition, Marijuana is sometimes used for medicinal purposes, and it has been proven that there are some health benefits to the drug, including among cancer patients. Of course the drug has negative effects, as do all drugs, but the effects of marijuana produce less harm to the body than any other drug we have studied, including alcohol.
Although I am not advocating the use of Marijuana, I think if the drug were legal, it would produce far less illegal activity across the world and thus create a safer environment. Also, if it were legal, the selling, buying, and using of the drug would be more controlled. Whether Marijuana is legal or not, drug users will continue using the drug despite the law, but if it were legal, pharmaceutical companies could advertise with precautions, just as tobacco companies do now with cigarettes. Therefore knowledge would be increased about the harms of the drug as well. I think it would be more beneficial to legalize it, so the activity involved with Marijuana would be managed.