Friday, April 8, 2011

Drugs and Behavior: Article Reviews

Why Pot Smokers are Paranoid
 One of the worst side effects of marijuana is paranoia. This condition, also shared by patience suffering from schizophrenia, causes consumers to see patterns in events that aren't real, such as conspiracies.  In a research made with rats  where they were given a drug that enhanced cannabinoid-receptor activity,whern they received  a minor shock, it  was enough to cause them to freeze with fear when they were later exposed to the cage and its related scent. Without the marijuana-like drug, small shocks did not have the same effect. This report published in a famouse journal, suggests that an activity in the amygdala, the part of your brain in charge of emotions and fear, is reponsible for the marijuan induce to paranoia. Other finding suggests that when marijuana is induced in the pre frontal cortex, the paranoia can be partially control.  Both of the brain regions studied are related to schizophrenia, and that understanding their interconnections could lead to better treatments for the disorder. This article shows a dasrk side of marijuana, and positive research that may contribute with treatment to a difficult disease to understand sucha as schizophrenia.

Why legalizing Marijauna Makes Sense
 Through time different conditions such as economic crisis, and the right of the seniors to end their life in a digne way has inciated a debate of the ilegal condition of pot.  The most basic reason in favor of legalization is that prohibition simply doesn't work. This was proved by the days of alcohol prohibition in the United States, but apparently this  lesson was worthless since the US has been repeating the same mistakes with marijuana and other drugs continually over the following decades. Marijauna causes a lot of vioklence because all the money involved. The drud dealers ambition for money and power causes death and insecurity. Also the state and government may be benefited from it, and little new consumers will come just because it is legal.Money earned by drug smuggling is a great opportunity for criminals to purchase guns, hire soldiers, and support terrorism. Just as with cigarettes the governmet could carry our pacific campaigns and try to prevent teens from getting it, in fact is bettter to prevent kids to have contact with drug dealers.