Nature vs. Nurture is a polemical term that refers to the origin of an individuals psychological development, such as personality. They are some who believe that this aspect is genetic and some who say that it is formed depending on each persons environment. The first one to use this term was the english polymathician Francis Galton. Galton focused in the influence of environment and heriedity in social careers. His work was based in his conclusions from the book "The Origin of The Species" written by his cousin Charles Darwin. The debate covers topics such as personality, intelligence, behaviour, athletical abilities, sexual orientation, and career vocation. Generally many people think that both ideas complement each other, and that both are big factors of someones psychological development. As well they are other ones who extremely defend either nature or nurture side. I personally believe and agree with those who think that the two main components of this theory can exixst at the same time. Experiences are the major factor of personality and they somehow complement with genes.
The quotes and the facts help us understand better how the enviornment and the genetics are involved in the topic. The research is complete and doesn't live the reader with any doubt about the topic.